Monday 26 November 2012

General Inspection

These are some procedures to consider when inspecting a personal service establishment which performs tattoos and body modifications.

1.      Greet the operator

2.      Questions to start with

·         What types of services do you offer?

o   Tattooing, piercing, suspension, branding, bifurcations, scarification, implantation, anesthetics, etc.

·         How many clients do you receive on a typical/busy day?

·         How many artists are working here?

·         How long have you been in this business?

·         Anything you would like me to address?

3.      Request for a general tour of the premise, focus on …

·         Available hand sinks in proximity to service area

·         Open space or enclosed service rooms

·         Equipment storage

·         Types of disinfectant used

o   High level disinfectant1 (6% hydrogen peroxide, 2% gluteraldehyde)

o   Intermediate level disinfectant2

(70% isopropyl alcohol, 1 part bleach and 9 parts water)

·         Cleaning room

·         Public washroom

·         Lighting and ventilation

·         Non-porous surfaces

·         General cleanliness  

o   Should have no clusters and dust accumulation

o   All surfaces should be disinfected with low level disinfectant3

4.      Inspect each service room or each service routine set-up/procedures

                 Tattoo Typical Set-up

o   Storage of equipment

·         Sterile packaging with labels

·         Closed drawers

o   Biohazard disposal container

·         Rigid, puncture-proof

a.      Paper towel
·   single-use
·   must be stored in a manner that is not exposed to dust

g. Ink pot
·   semi-critical item
·   use high-level disinfectant
b.     Single-use latex gloves
·   must be stored in a box that is not exposed to dust
·   should not replace hand-washing

n. Needle4
·   single-use
·   in sterile packaging
c.      Vaseline bottle
·   bags should be changed between clients
i. Tattoo gun
·   bags should be changed between clients

d.     Antiseptic solution bottle
·   bags should be changed between clients
·   used prior tattooing
j. Bagged electrical cord
·    changed between clients
·   prevent cross-contamination

e.      Tongue depressor
·   single-use
·   prevent double dipping
k. Sanitary sheet
·    prevent cross-contamination between counter surfaces and equipment
·    changed between clients

f.       Razor
·   single-use

          Piercing Typical Set-up

o   Storage of equipment

·         Sterilized packaging

·         Closed drawers

a.  Non-critical equipment2,3
·      in sterile packaging with date label
·      use low/intermediate-level disinfectant
d.  Jewelry4
·       in sterile packaging
·       approved metal

b.  Anti-septic wipe5
·      70% isopropyl alcohol disinfectant prior piercing
e.  Ink pen
·       non-critical equipment
·       use low-level disinfectant if feasible

c.  Needle4
·      in sterile packaging
·      single use or sterilized between clients
f.  Sanitary sheet
·       physical barrier between equipment and surface

 Other possible tools for bifurcation, cauterization, implantation

o   Scalpels4

o   Dermal punches4

o   Jewelry and implant materials4

2.      Assess operator’s safety precaution

·         How are they safely transporting biohazard materials to cleaning area?

·         Safe disposal of single-use materials (i.e. needles) or biohazards?

3.      Inspect the equipment cleaning area

·         Must be separated from the service area(s) with no public access

o   Maintenance/Servicing logs

·         Two-Compartment Sink

o   Separation of clean and dirty equipment

o   Type of cleaner used

·         Ultrasonic Cleaner

o   Clean lid that prevents splashing when operating

o   The types of disinfectant used

·         Neutral, low alkaline detergent

o   Maintenance/Servicing logs

·         Autoclave (heat sterilization)

o   Sterilization records

o   Spore strips

4.      Sit down with the operator for questioning period and debriefing

·         Ask about the field experience and training of the artists

·         Recommend hepatitis B vaccination for the safety of the artist and the client

·         Review the potential health risks and cross-contaminations

 (blood borne diseases, skin infections and physical injuries)

·         Latex gloves and Vaseline issues

o   Vaseline has the potential to dissolve latex gloves in 20 minutes.

·         Take a look at records of incidents

·         Take a look at informed consent for under-age clients and general client records

·         Screening questions for clients

o   Are they feeling ill?

o   Any medication they are currently taking

o   Any medical conditions that the operator needs to know

o   Client’s age

·         After-care instructions for clients

5.      Review the inspection form and comment on corrective action needed.

6.      Thank the operator for his/her time.

1 High level disinfectants must be used for any equipment that has been contact with ears, nose, mouth, or non-intact skin

2 Intermediate level disinfectants must be used for blood spills

3 Low level disinfectants are Quats, 3% hydrogen peroxide, for general non-critical surface cleaning

4 These equipment must be cleaned in the ultra cleaner and sterilized or disposed of immediately if single-use

5 Examples of skin sterilization products are antiseptics such as 70% isopropyl alcohol and iodine.

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